Monday, March 10, 2014


Featured in the future
So was she borne
Nigeria the future
The future Nigeria
Nurtured by culture
Bred by alien mothers
Marginalized by tradition
If..if only there was a father
What a foundation...

How the tide of ignorance
Ignorantly swept her
How the wave of pride shook her
How her sons dined with the devil
Where served chilled lies
On a platter of greed
Selfishness were lots

It all seemed enticing
Delicious munchies
They forgot the long-spoons
And fed
In famine they fed fat
Three young brothers
Bound by a quest
It was a dream
Dreamed by vision

She looked askance at peace
Peace wasn't planted
Confusion was reaped
The rich armed with a voice
Voice for their own
The poor armed with tools
Tools to quell the storm
Which! What storm?

The mighty watched
Her mothers moped
Faster tides-quicker waves
Swept the promise
Washed the smile
Dried tears on pale faces

The hope that glistened
Who sowed who reaped
Who lost who gained

Desolation a friend or foe
The rain ceased
The sun froze
Poverty incubated

Hallucinatory fantasies
Dreaming in dreams
Where glory is forsaken
Laws branded by truth
Justice well dressed
Corruption abated
Insecurity, greed, hate expelled
Selfless citizens
Selfless Nation
She awaits her saviour
Hope anew
New hope for all...

Dreams in pipes!

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