Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Listening to a gospel music-album by one of my favorite Nigeria gospel artiste Sinach with the track "Next in line" to cool off the harsh but resentful economical hardship of my controversial country. I was accosted by two ladies, each of the them armed with bible in hand. Dressed in a moder traditional attire each had her bag slinging from right above the elbow level. The tallest of the two greeted first and made their usual introduction of the word of God. I welcomed the two and she began by telling me how the world was gonna be destroyed and a new one made for us to build our everlasting houses where we would live happily ever after. With premonition on how things would end if I responded I decided to let her ride uninterrupted. She read a scripture and told me of some more end time expectations, but not a word from me. Whilst all this took place Sinach was uninterrupted but i had the volume of my laptop reduced when i sensed she was a bit of a stammerer.

In less than five minutes she was done. She opened her bag and brought out two bulletins of which one caught my attention. She noticed my interest and held it up and said something like "Can we tell the future ". And for the first time I spoke "If I were to ask you that question, what will be your response"? I asked. Without thinking she said "no". "In the time of old was there anyone who saw/prophesied about the future?". She responded with a "yes". So if it happened then why do you think it cant now. "Because the power has been taken away. No one now can possess the power to tell the future". Her response was pathetic and so the argument i had been avoiding all along ensued. After scoring some pointers she became more confused and called to her fellow sister "sister any contribution?".

Lets read 1st Cor 13:8. After reading the scriptural passage she gave an instance of a woman she knew that told people  they would die if they don't do certain things. "Prophecy and speaking in tongues are not of God" she said...."those speaking it where did they record it?" Perplexed  by their lack of spiritual insight it dawn on me that they lacked direction and misunderstood the scripture. Though they claim I misunderstand them. "How can you say prophesying and speaking in tongue are not of God, when the bible clearly states it as on of the gift we should so earnestly yearn for? Don't anyone in your church speak in tongues?" These and many more were the series of questions i asked. But the answers were more alarming and i am more than exhausted to continue.

It was pitiful when i asked them to open a particular verse and lo they said their bible were not up to that numbered-verse, meaning theirs is incomplete. I beg to ask, why do we as Christians deliberately shy away from spiritual truth?
Why do we so much as allow the populace to mislead us in the name of separate-belief's or doctrines when the truth is right before us?
Why don't we crave for ourselves the spirit to discerning and understanding scriptures instead of swallowing everything doctrinal interpretations laid before us by wolves in sheep clothings?

I say these not to lambaste or spite any doctrine. Differences in the Christendom started not yesterday neither will it end today. But we all as Christian's need not rely on anyone to show us the way when we already know the way "Jesus Christ". 

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